To reduce and prevent the most catastrophic effects of the climate crisis, it is imperative that greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) be rapidly brought to a point where reduced emissions are more than offset by drawing more carbon out of the atmosphere than is released into it. At the same time human societies must become resilient in adapting to the catastrophic effects.
Disadvantaged and minority communities will be among the first to suffer from these effects, so it is imperative that they be participants in adaptive planning and education. MCL and its climate colleagues are studying every means to reduce GHG’s emissions overall. No strategy can be overlooked. As a consequence, MCL is advocating for the implementation of a robust series of solutions.
We must also capture excess carbon already in the atmosphere by promoting enhanced management of Marin’s agricultural soils, grasslands, wetlands, forests to achieve higher levels of natural sequestration with multiple co-benefits.
The Climate Action Working Group regularly convenes Marin’s climate activists and advocates focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Some of its actions include:
- Defending MCE Clean Energy against ongoing attacks by PG&E and other big Investor Owned Utilities;
- Encouraging MCE to invest its profits in innovation — in renewable energy and electrification technologies and programs, and in resiliency projects for underserved communities;
- Hosting MCE, PG&E and County managers, independent experts and other speakers’ presentations and discussions on such topics as: microgrids, MCE Clean Energy’s regulatory challenges and electric vehicle (EV) initiatives, methods of reducing building-related emissions, prospects for national legislation on greenhouse gas emission reductions, and more.