Issue Committees

MCL’s Issue Committees

The majority of MCL’s environmental policy advocacy work is accomplished by the issue committees. Membership is open to all MCL members. Please contact MCL with any environmental issues of countywide significance for review.

See MCL’s calendar for upcoming Issues Committee meetings. Meetings are open to the public. All are welcome to attend and be part of MCL's important advocacy work! Your participation brings fresh energy and viewpoints.


Land Use, Transportation, & Water Committee

The Land Use and Transportation Committee monitors the activities of public agencies, provides public input during planning processes, and presents recommendations and positions to public agencies and decision makers on land use planning issues of countywide significance.


Parks and Open Space Committee

The Parks and Open Space Committee actively participates in planning processes that involve federal, state and county lands in Marin. As advocates for parks and public open space, committee members monitor projects and provide informed comments on proposals, issues and reports


Climate Action Working Group

The Climate Action Working Group develops recommendations and presents MCL’s position at public hearings. It functions as a forum for all community groups concerned with climate change.


North Marin Unit

The North Marin Unit tracks issues and projects in the Novato area, including a number of baylands projects and plans and studies prepared by City and County agencies.

Jumping salmon_istock_artcic tern

Fire + Environment Working Group

This committee’s purpose is to study and advocate for environmentally beneficial and effective wildfire hazard reduction planning and policies for Marin’s public lands and for wildland-urban interface areas.


Agricultural Land Use Committee

The Agricultural Land Use Committee participates in planning and educational processes that involve the local agricultural community. As advocates for Agricultural Land Use as an Environmental Tool, the Ag Land Use Committee brings the urban and rural communities together to discuss and advocate for beneficial practices and supportive, environmentally beneficial government action.

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