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Become a Member
You can become a member of MCL for as little as $35 per year. The benefits of membership include events, guided walks and hikes, social gatherings, and news.
Attend MCL Events
See MCL’s calendar for upcoming events. Recurring MCL events include:
- Business & Environment Breakfasts
- Walks Through Conservation History
- Holiday Party

Donate to MCL
Your gift supports the preservation, protection, and enhancement of Marin’s natural assets for generations to come.
Join MCL’s Issue Committee Meetings
Issue committee meetings feature informed speakers and engaging discussions. See MCL’ calendar for upcoming meetings.
Receive MCL News
Keep up-to-date with Marin’s current environmental issues and MCL positions via our eNews, delivered to your inbox every other week.

Lend your skills to protect Marin’s treasured lands! We’re always seeking assistance with communications, administration, events, etc. Fill out the volunteer form and we’ll follow up with you.