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Latest Newsletter
  • November-December 2023

    President’s message, Introducing ED, Kate Shilvock, Climate goals and actions, Wilderness Way update, Did you renew, In memoriam

  • September-October 2023

    President’s message, Building electrification decision, Green Home Tour, Environmental Awardees, New MCL Board Members, Urban Forest talk

  • May-June 2023

    President’s message, Nona Dennis and Susan Stompe, Support for MW rate increases, MCL Annual Dinner in pictures, Recreation on other watersheds, Jean Berensmeier’s legacy, Mike McGuire at MCL Breakfast

  • March-April 2023

    President’s message, Tribute to Phyllis Faber, Huffman on Climate Progress, Forest resiliency, Offshore wind, Nature note: Oaks, Marin Master Gardeners

  • January-February 2023

    President’s message, Renew your membership, MCE Sync, EV 2023 tax credits, Editor’s note, Trail Partners at 10 years, Be a Ring Mountain docent, Status update: Newt Brigade, In Memoriam: Judy Schreibman

  • November-December 2022

    President’s message, Renew your membership, Marin’s Green Building Code, Leader’s Circle, MCL Holiday Party

  • September-October 2022

    MCP’s Environmental Roundtable, The future of SR 37, California Coastal Cleanup, Marin Green Home Tour, Meet new board members, Marin’s First Creek Symposium

  • May-June 2022

    Yes on A, MCL Annual Mtg wrap-up, Building electrification, Env. history by John Hart, In memoriam: Doug Wilson, 2022 MCL Env. Awardees!.

  • May-June 2021

    Roads and trails on County preserves, Water conservation at the other end of the pipe, MCL 2021 Environmental Awardees

  • March-April 2021

    The Case Against New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure. An EV for every lifestyle. Stream Conservation Ordinance update. Director profiles

  • January-February 2021

    Corte Madera tidal marsh restoration. Transit Center project. Project Update: San Geronimo Valley. Nature Note: Eelgrass. MCL Director Profiles. New Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles

  • March-April 2022

    Serpentine Prairie on Ring Mtn, Rooftop Solar & NEM, MCL 2022, Environmental Awardees, Staff Profiles, MCL 2022 Election proposed slate.

  • November-December 2021

    Watershed Recreation Plan, Anatomy of a Trail, Housing event

  • September-October 2021

    Marin Biodiversity Corridor Initiative, Nature Note, MCL New Directors

  • November-December 2020

    New trails in Marin, MCL Member Profile: Paul Jensen, Nature Note: Newt Update, MCL Director Profiles, Season’s Greetings

  • September – October 2020

    In This Issue: Seashore, MCL Environmental Achievement Awards, Events, Announcing a new editor

  • May – June 2020

    In This Issue: Sea level rise adaptation planning, Public lands and COVID-19, Microgrids, A Proposal on Farallon Islands

  • March – April 2020

    In This Issue: CEQA “traffic” impacts methodology, VMT and LOS, Editorial: Why focus on open space?, Public lands briefs: new shoreline park at Buck’s landing, Status update: Martha Property, Events, History of Measure A

  • January – February 2020

    In This Issue: Beyond broom, invasive weeds on Mt. Tam, Update: Strawberry Seminary, Public lands briefs: E-bikes on natural surface roads, Road & Trail Management Plan moves to Ring Mountain, Events, Measure D

  • November – December 2019

    MCL: Celebrating 85 years, Editorial: the future of Point Reyes National Seashore, Funding for forest health, Events, MCL positions on upcoming ballot measures

  • September – October 2019

    CA State Parks’ new partner, Report on climate: cap-and-trade funds, Events: Fire in California, Samuel P. Taylor State Park, Public Workshop, Pt. Reyes General Management Plan

  • May – June 2019

    President’s message, Editorial: Electric bikes, Report on climate: Putting a price on carbon, Marin’s Youth Leaders, Events

  • March – April 2019

    President’s message, Fire & the Environment Working Group, Electric Vehicles & Climate Change, Events, Nature note: Tam’s grasses

  • January – February 2019

    President’s message, Editorial: Public Lands, Ranching in the PRNS, Events, Nature note: rare frogs, Poem-Subdue and Rule

  • November – December 2018

    President’s message, Status update: Azalea Hill, Poem, Nature’s Renewal, Events, Nature note: tanoak

  • September – October 2018

    President’s message, Editorial: Proposition 3, Renewable Energy in Marin, Announcements, Japanese knotweed, Poem, Dusty Boots

  • May – June 2018

    In This Issue: President’s message, Yes on Prop 68, Report on climate, Public Lands: West Peak, Events, Nature Note: tanoak

  • March – April 2018

    In This Issue: President’s message, Nature Note: English Ivy, Editorial on e-bikes, Renewable energy use in Marin, Events, Election notice

  • January – February 2018

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial: Ways to engage, Old Business, New Year, Briefs: Marin’s public lands, Nature Note, Events

  • November – December 2017

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial: Opportunity knocks, Strawberry Seminary site, Transportation Vision, Status Update: Easton Point, Senate Bill 5, Business Member profile, Events

  • September – October 2017

    In This Issue: President’s message, Novato’s Urban Growth Boundary, Mt. Tam Wildlife Symposium, Business-Environment Breakfast, Status update: Roy’s Redwoods, Nature Note

  • May – June 2017

    In This Issue: President’s message, Marin’s public lands, Events, MCL Director Profile, Business Member Profile, Nature Note

  • March – April 2017

    In This Issue: President’s message, Tule Elk, Editorial, MCL Director Profile, Actions of MCL Board, Business Member Profile, Events

  • January – February 2017

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial: Vegetation Plan, Status updates, Mt. Tam Science Summit, New Marin Supervisor, Events, Board member profile, Business Member profile

  • November – December 2016

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial: Ranching in the Park, Status update: RTMP, New Director profile, Events, Restoring a watershed, Tipping point for climate, Downtown San Rafael

  • September – October 2016

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial: AB 2444, Ranching in the Park, New Director profile, Events, Status updates, Going for Deep Green, Wilderness and mtn. bikes

  • March – April 2016

    In This Issue: President’s message, Interim Parks Director, Editorial: National Parks, Climate change and wetlands, Events, Artificial turf, Business member profile, MCL election notice

  • January – February 2016

    In This Issue: President’s message, Ron Miska retires, In memoriam, Events, Agricultural land use, New Director profile, Parks and open space, MMWD forest health

  • November – December 2015

    In This Issue: President’s message, Status updates, Events, Crafting MCL’s Ag Policy, C-SMART, Business member profile, MCL holiday party

  • September – October 2015

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial, Status Updates, New Director Profile, Events, We met a dairyman, Business member profile, MCL to host senior walks

  • May – June 2015

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial, Status Updates, Events, Business member profile

  • March – April 2015

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial, Status Updates, Events, Sea level Rise, Invasive Plant Subcommittee, Business member profile

  • January – February 2015

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial, Status Updates, Events, Interview, Business member profile

  • November – December 2014

    In This Issue: President’s message, Actions and Status Updates, Events, Business member profile, Invasives on rangelands, Holiday party

  • September – October 2014

    In This Issue: President’s message, Editorial: Wilderness Act, Events, Business member profile, Coastal Cleanup

  • May – June 2014

    In This Issue: President’s message, California State Parks turns 150, Status updates, Events, Business member profile, Larkspur Station Area Plan

  • March – April 2014

    In This Issue: President’s message, Status updates, Business member profile, PCL Symposium, Mt. Tam watershed “TLC”, State’s Water Boards at work

  • January – February 2014

    In This Issue: President’s message, In memoriam, Status updates, Events, Good news for coho, Rangeland management

  • November – December 2013

    In This Issue: In Memoriam, Status Updates, Events, National Parks, New Director profiles

  • September – October 2013

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Status Updates, Events, Pine Gulch Creek, New Director Profiles, State Parks

  • May – June 2013

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Olompali Walk Recap, Status Updates, Business Breakfast, Annual Dinner Recap, New Director Profiles

  • March – April 2013

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Status Updates, February Business Breakfast, Stream Ordinance

  • January – February 2013

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Status updates, Measure A next steps, Events, MMWD water tanks, Novato solar farm, On the climate front

  • November – December 2012

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Status Updates, Vision Forum, Bills’ Trail, “Red-Tape” Committee, Events

  • September – October 2012

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Status Updates, Marin’s Water, New Director Profile, Events, Energy Upgrade CA

  • May – June 2012

  • March – April 2012

  • January – February 2012

    In This Issue: President’s message, Status updates, Events, Gnoss Field runway plans, State Parks, Land acquisition campaign, New Director profile

  • November – December 2011

    In This Issue: President’s message, Marin’s Federal Parks, Event photos, Single-use bag legislation, New Director profiles

  • September – October 2011

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Upcoming Events, Status Updates, Past Event Roundup, New Director Profiles

  • May – June 2011

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Upcoming Events, Status Updates, Annual Dinner Recap, McGlashan Remembered

  • March – April 2011

  • January – February 2011

  • November – December 2009

    In This Issue: President’s Message, MCL History (Special), Fall Event Round Up, Meet MCL

  • September – October 2009

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Status Updates, Upcoming Events, Summer Event Round Up, Meet Your Board Members

  • May – June 2009

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Status Updates, Upcoming Walks into History, 75th Annual Dinner Recap, Meet Your Board Members

  • March – April 2009

    In This Issue: President’s Message, Annual Dinner Update, Status Updates, Green MBA Business Breakfast, 75th Anniv. Sponsorship Info, Meet Your Board Members

  • January – February 2009

  • November – December 2008

  • September – October 2008

  • April – May 2008

  • February – March 2008

  • December 2007 – January 2008

  • October – November 2007

  • May 2006

  • July – August 2005

    In this issue: Mosquitofish warning, MCL Member profile, Community Calendar

  • May – June 2005

    In this issue: Desalination, Committee meetings, Community Calendar

  • March – April 2005

  • November – December 2004

    Agency Profile: We tell you what the Marin County Open Space District does and how you can participate, Nature Notes: Looking for a gift or a good read? MCL board members share their favorite environmental books, Corrections: Our apologies for errors on the watershed plan’s author and the formation of salt marshes, Conservation Action: Novato […]

  • September – October 2004

    Marin on the Web: MCL’s guide to the most useful open space, park, and natural resources sites, Issue Watch: The latest on Giacomini Ranch restoration plans and San Rafael’s general plan, Nature Notes: Marin’s salt marshes nurture abundant wildlife, Conservation Action: MCL weighs in on the Countywide Plan’s treatment of water resource issues

  • July – August 2004

    Watershed Rehab: Park Service plans to restore Giacomini Ranch land, Issue Watch: The latest on Tomales Bay, open space policies, and more, Nature Notes: Rare butterfly finds refuge on Point Reyes Seashore, Conservation Action: MCL advocates St. Vincent’s/Silveira protection

  • May – June 2004

    Environmental Heroes: MCL recognizes leaders, young activists, Meet the New Board: MCL elects board members with water use, planning experience, Nature Notes: Find favorite wildflowers and seldom-seen rarities on Marin’s coastal prairie, Conservation Action: Updates on the San Rafael general plan, the Marin County plan, and open space

With your support, we’ll ensure the environment is a top priority in local decision-making.

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