Assemblymember Damon Connolly speaking with MCL’s Climate Action Working Group

Assemblymember Damon Connolly

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Our newly elected Assembly Member Damon Connolly joined the April 21 CAWG discussion. Damon is already the Assembly lead on the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change. He’s also on the Utilities and Energy Committee and the Assembly/Senate Budget Subcommittee that deals with climate issues, energy, natural resources, and transportation. He formed and chairs the Select Committee on Wildfire Prevention.

“We are in a very budget constrained environment,” Connolly cautioned. ” Two areas that are proposed to be severely cut are climate policy and public transit. I think that’s misguided, and that’s what I’m really delving into. I’m also jointly authoring legislation for a climate bond to go to voters next year.” Other issues on Connolly’s agenda include “Some controversial things like carbon capture strategies, the infrastructure to move energy around the state, how to scale up renewable energy sources. It’s important to have good statutory frameworks. And on the individual level, I’m continuing to advocate for incentive programs.

“I feel good by virtue of these committee assignments, and my background, to be a part of these conversations. The joint climate committee is also tasked with overseeing the zero-emission vehicle mandate, renewables portfolio standard, low carbon fuel standard, and cap-and-trade program in terms of how those programs are working.”

The full discussion with Assemblyman Connolly can be accessed here, including a broad invitation for continued MCL participation. “For me to do my job, I want to hear your thoughts. There’s no better group in terms of who knows what’s happening.”

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